Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Pitches for one minute music videos.

Song: JLS - Beat again.
Location: Areas around college.

Characters: One boy who sings to a girl who acts like she doesn't care anymore.

Costume: Boy in tank top with heart tattoo with girls name in too show irony.
Girl dressed normally.

Camera Work: High angle shots to make the boy singing look pathetic. Over the shoulder shots to show the boy stalking the girl, trying to get her attention. Long shots with characters shown, walking towards the camera.

Props:Phone, heart.

Narrative: Guy and girl have just broken up he sees her in refectory and starts following her. uses a strong relationship between visuals and lyrics. The girl is not interested in seeing him and has no desire to get back with him. Ends with him lying on the floor and her walking over him.

Editing: In the song the lyric 'Hey' is repeated three times, therefore to emphasize the speed increasing we will use a jump cut of the artist singing this.

Friday, 25 June 2010

What makes a good music video?

A good music video has...
- a good storyline/ narrative
-different editing techniques e.g. splitscreen, hyper contrast
-lyrics being represented in the video
-varied shot types and angles so that it is not dull to watch.
-artist expression and interpretations of the music and lyrics in the video
-uses different locations to make split screens more effective aswell as good use of props
-a unique selling point so it is remembered and makes it unique form other music videos

What makes a good music video?

  • good narrative
  • interesting editing e.g. split screen
  • well planned out setting- relationship with lyrics?
  • links between the music and lyrics/visuals
  • contrast in filters used (if appropriate) e.g. colour to black and white
  • variety of shots to stop it being monotonous
  • artist emotion matching that which the lyrics portray- e.g. sad or rage
  • high angle or low angle shots depending on whether the artist is confident or vulnerable
  • lighting and editing linking with the tone of the song
  • a variety of different locations, however with similar themes (if appropriate)
  • variety of costumes, different costume to make lead singer stand out?
  • something that will make it memorable/different to anything that has been done before
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